The Rainbow Poems

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I am delighted to welcome back Steve Gerson to The Rainbow Poems. Steve has been a supporter since the beginning of The Rainbow Poems, for which I am truly grateful. His second poetry collection, Viral: Love and Losses in the Time of Insanity, will be released in July 2022.

Yes, like the blown-gull thrown against the gale,
I in my ground-down landscape, sand-footing
dwell, both we cumbered in life-quest lumbering
against what impedes, the gull’s breeze, my marsh swale.

The gull above sees sea-ray sun and strives as I
landbound, sand-bound to reach cloudless skies;
we sigh-sing in gawping cries to sail, tearing
our tethers, the gull’s feathers rending,

my hope from earth-footed toe-drag risen.
And with a gust the gull blue-soars aloft,
its keening calmed, cloud storms diminishing,

and with the bird-soar, gull-glide in my vision,
I too step from my shore-drudge and soul-waft,
the gull and I from sand and sky rainbow flying.