Two Poems

Carla Scarano D’Antonio lives in Surrey with her family. She obtained her Master of Arts in Creative Writing at Lancaster University and has published her creative work in various magazines and reviews. Her short collection Negotiating Caponata was published in July 2020 by Dempsey & Windle. She completed her PhD degree on Margaret Atwood’s work at the University of Reading and graduated in April 2021. or

You can begin the journey of life anew

You can start again for good
after the lockdown,
plan to go back shopping
in charity shops,
hunting for lucky picks
a pair of red shoes for £5
embroidery threads for 50p
a china bowl for £2.

You can celebrate again in Italian restaurants with family,
luscious amatriciana, rich pizza with burrata and prosciutto,
indulging in tiramisu and sorbettos.
Hug your sons again and kiss your daughters,
finally cuddle your granddaughter.
Travel to Italy again,caress your mother’s frail bones
her soft cheeks.
And swim once more
float in a large pool,
your body weightless, striving to reach the other side.

 The lesser loss

The lesser loss

Give me a sense of abandonment
Give me the ungrateful mornings
Give me a sunset
Give me a dream to dream
Give me the memory of the day
Give me a casual inwardness
Give me back June and July
Give me a palpable future
Give me a bang
Give me form, shade and colour
Give me a desire that you won’t leave
Give me oil, sugar and songs
Give me survival and fortitude
Give me screams and body power
Give me linen and pearls
Give me crushed rubies
Take me by surprise
Remind me I’m still tangible

The poem “You Can Begin The Journey Of Life Anew” appeared first in Dwelling During the Pandemic, An Ohio Poetry Project 2021 (Ohio State University).


In The Clear

