Grief is the ocean
Of this I am certain
It’s the only thing big enough
Definite enough
Unpredictable enough
An unlimited supply
Of cosmic tears
Why else would it be so salty?
It’s the collective tears of humanity
Coalescing to form their own ecosystem
Our tears become rivers
Fed by and feeding on
The loss of loved ones
Missed opportunities
Betrayal, lies uttered in the dark
Insignificant as a single freckle
On the skin of a red-headed child
Death stops nothing
The sun keeps rising in the east
The moon keeps breathing
Astral lungs of the ocean’s tide
The darkness of night makes sense
Until it transforms into a light
Unable to hide from
The mirror of still water
A rock thrown, a hand swirled
Ripples deform the reflection
Powerless against the inevitable calm
That will return