Until Our Eyes Became Accustomed to the Dark
Until our eyes became accustomed to the dark
They swung back and forth like clock pendulums
They took on tears like waterfalls
And color like desert flowers
Until our eyes became accustomed to the dark
We could dig up no light
The mud hung limply in our fingers
And the only thing that kept us from falling was the rocky ground
Until our eyes became accustomed to the dark
They became accustomed to everything else
The sensation, the aroma, the noise
The tornado of light beckoning us somewhere
Until our eyes became accustomed to the dark
We followed a god of nomads
Of those with nowhere else to go
And somehow made a home out of each other
Now that our eyes are accustomed to the dark
We want to hold it in our hands
And feel its energy
Until we need to adjust our eyesight again.