Spring Uprising

Now, Rainbow Poems readers, you will be forgiven for rubbing your eyes and looking twice at your screen. A piece about Spring, in the Autumn? Let me explain my logic.

As each October the clocks go back, we need to reaffirm our willingness to look forward.
We need to know that with passing time, we come closer to reemergence from our winter state.
The long days of spring and summer will arrive again in all their glory. We just have to hold on until then.

And so, I hand over to one of this week’s featured poets, William Blackburn, to remind us
what is in store when that rainbow arrives.

Lucy x

Spring Uprising

Last year's leavings, grown brittle pale
Snapping underfoot: yearlings seeking forage
Warm sun basking, tasking seedlings
An eruption from the topsoil
Tendrils struggling

Blush of lush, green grass
Leaves unfurling, uncurling as scrollwork
Starstuff writ upon these sheaves
Creeping skyward stretching
Splashing as paint

White and honey blossoms trumpet
A start to the growing rush yearly cycle
The color profusion cascading
That early seedling glint
Summoning bees

Early misting rain in drizzles
Caress across these meadowlands
Careening giggle of bird and faun at dance
All those rainbow hues expanding
Streamers Maypole swaying


Covid Story: An Artist Sheltered in Place on the 31st Floor

